All throughout his fruitful career, Velázquez painted the powerful just as well as the ordinary...[更多]
The five hundred or more paintings of Caillebotte werenot given much attention during his lifet...[更多]
Known for his posters for cabarets and performances, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (1864- 1901) was...[更多]
Pierre Puvis de Chavannes is not a very well-known artist. Famous throughout his life yetquickl...[更多]
Pioneer and leader of the abstract art movement, Piet Mondrian (1872-1944) was known for his st...[更多]
Edvard Munch (1863-1944), a Norwegian painter involved in Expressionism, was so attached to his...[更多]
Élisabeth Vigée-Lebrun (1755-1842) was not only the rare woman of her time who integrated herse...[更多]
The Dada movement and then the Surrealists appeared in the First World War aftermath with a ban...[更多]
Do you know why there have been so many problems in various parts of the world? In furtherance ...[更多]
繡花鞋,曾經是流行多年的鞋款; 但如今,在街上已難找到人穿着繡花鞋了。 繡花鞋的歷史源遠流長。自從鞋履誕生,鞋款不斷推陳出新,隨着歷史的變遷不斷發展。期間,也不斷地演變,有不同的款式...[更多]