: 鋼琴音階指法看似複雜又難記,作者綜合多年教學經驗,獨創黑白圓點記憶法,化繁為簡,配上有趣的彩色插畫,超過80個音階一次學懂,日後彈奏不同風格的樂曲就更得心應手! [更多]
相片,就如音樂、就如畫作,都是世界性的共通語言。 每一幅攝影作品,都暗藏著一個故事! 攝影師的眼中看到什麼?觀眾又會聯想到什麼? 你在他浮光掠影的大千世界裡,又能找到多少共鳴以及你自己...[更多]
Raphael (1483-1520), the Italian painter and architect of the High Renaissance, was a genius in...[更多]
Raphael (1483-1520), the Italian painter and architect of the High Renaissance, was a genius in...[更多]
For many people, Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) was undoubtedly the most important artist of the 20t...[更多]
Delve into the exquisite, sensuous sculpture of Camille Claudel with this in-depth look at her ...[更多]
Camille Pissarro was a pivotal figure of Impressionism, perhaps the world’s most famous art mov...[更多]
For many people, Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) was undoubtedly the most important artist of the 20t...[更多]
Men’s fashion, particularly the trends involving undergarments, was once reserved for the elite...[更多]
As famous during his lifetime as after his death, Rembrandt (1606-1669) was one of the greatest...[更多]