好戲量: 「戲劇源自生活; 戲劇使我們更了解生活、改變生活。 戲劇必須以人為本,戲劇讓我們跟身邊的人溝通,戲劇讓生命觸碰生命。」 現實生活裡,你懂得好好地跟身邊的人溝通嗎?你懂得...[更多]
Pioneer of geometric abstract art and one of the most important members of the Russian Avant-ga...[更多]
Although considered a minor genre for a long time, the art of landscape has risen above its for...[更多]
At a time when the dominant mode of painting, Abstract Expressionism, emphasized expressive dra...[更多]
Icon painting has reached its zenith in Ukraine between the 11th and 18th centuries. This art i...[更多]
Little is known of Memling’s life. It is surmised that he was a German by descent but the defin...[更多]
Greek Sculpture is probably the most well known aspect of Greek art, for a contemporary it expr...[更多]
Secluded within cloister walls, a painter and a monk, and brother of the order of the Dominican...[更多]
In his works, Hopper poetically expressed the solitude of man confronted with the American way ...[更多]
From the Middle Ages to contemporary times, decorative art can be defined by the artistic mater...[更多]