To speak about art is to evoke the hand of the creator who produced the work. It is to confer t...[更多]
Newell Convers, called N. C. Wyeth (1882-1945) has been cherished by generations of book lovers...[更多]
Mexican painting did not come to be internationally recognised until the early 20th century. It...[更多]
The watercolour technique was for a long time the great companion to drawing. A mixture of wate...[更多]
Slip into the idyllic world of turn-of-the-century, rural Sweden with this monograph dedicated ...[更多]
繡花鞋,曾經是流行多年的鞋款; 但如今,在街上已難找到人穿着繡花鞋了。 繡花鞋的歷史源遠流長。自從鞋履誕生,鞋款不斷推陳出新,隨着歷史的變遷不斷發展。期間,也不斷地演變,有不同的款式...[更多]
兩位旅遊攝影人 Eddy 和 Groovy 多年來走訪歐洲多國,以鏡頭捕捉異國的景、物、人、事,結集成書,與攝影及旅遊愛好者分享歐洲影像點滴。 本書前半部份輯錄作者自選的歐洲六國包括英...[更多]