The Space-time Trilogy:Plays of Baichuan

  1. 作者 :
  2. Bai Chuan
  3. 出版社 :
  4. 紅出版
  5. 提取碼 :
  6. 500847
  7. 分類 :
  8. 其他


Originally written over a period from about 1979 to the early 1980s, the first in the trilogy was inspired by the theatre of the absurd and focused on the nature of human relationships across the fabric of space-time. The second, written in the late 1980s and the following early 1990s, was focused on repercussions of events across space-time; and then the third, written in 2000 and after, more or less concludes the trilogy with elements of the preceding two interwoven and coming to grips with the vicissitudes of life.

Bai Chuan, as a supporter of free verse since childhood, his translation is a product of the imagination as well as many years of hard work.
Publications of Bai Chuan:
• 《道路遠近:白川詩選》
• 《Roads Range Far: Selected Poems of Bai Chuan》
• 《有限無:白川詩選二》
• 《Limits End: Selected Poems of Bai Chuan II》
• 《人渺小:白川詩選三》
• 《Potty Little Man: Selected Poems of Bai Chuan III》
• 《Stories and early poems of Bai Chuan》
• 《悄悄問:白川詩選四》
• 《The Space-time Trilogy:Plays of Baichuan》
  • ISBN:
  • 9789888380527
  • 出版日期 :
  • 2018-04-09