《地下情》以香港地下鐵作情景,用 iPhone 攝獵車廂 、月臺、車站大堂等場景中的人和事:有東京物語式的老伴、重慶森林裡的南亞裔、天水圍日與夜的新移民、涉谷24小時的傾情男女等。利用iPhone 能使攝影者以最低調的方式接近被攝者,從最近距離觀察攝獵,走得愈近,所得到的愈真實,情也愈真。香港乘客的那種焦慮不安、疲憊煩躁、營營役役,神秘莫測,全都不能對鏡頭說謊了。就在按下快門之間把他們的生活神緒定格了。
賴憶南,2002年畢業於香港演藝學院電影電視學院,其後,加入香港電台電視部任職攝影師,參與不同類型的劇集及記錄片製作 。
以西瓜為主題的攝影作品《教我如何不想她》嘗試探討戀物與厭物間的關係,2011年於藝穗會展出。2012年初台灣總統選舉期間,利用 Hipstamatic 智能手機攝影程式拍攝的《台北奏鳴曲》,入選了"Adventures in HipstaLand" 攝影計劃。 而賴憶南的全新專題攝影《地下情》,希望透過新媒體展現街拍攝影技藝的新態度,於2012年 Photoblog Gallery 展出 。
2012年中籌辦「現在攝影」組織,並舉辦專題街頭展覽《現在攝影》,這是香港首個在街頭舉辦的相展,賴憶南首任策展人, 匯集四位本地攝影師,以街頭速攝形式,追逐流逝的光影,遊走於城市角落,記錄那霎時的衝動,按下快門的一剎,時間就被定格。最新攝影企劃《現在明信片》已於2013年出版。
賴憶南的作品曾入選「2012平遙國際攝影大展」青年影像項目、台灣高雄市駁二藝術區「SNAP * HERE & THERE 這裡那裡攝影展」 及香港國際攝影節 「森山大道回應展」。
I started taking iphone photographs threes years ago. I fell in love with using Hipstamatic for street photography. Its shutter is quick and precise, the image full of layers and fine texture. It is especially good for the confrontational environment of our streets. I am often surprised with the outcome. Everyday I hunt like a predator on the street. I shoot, and I shoot in disguise, lurking at the corner, waiting for my photos.
“The Underground Scene” is the first photography series of “Photo Now”. Underground in the MTR, I ride and capture the people and the scenes in the carriages, on the platforms, and waiting in the train station lobby. Here I have found my “Tokyo Story” old couple, the South Asians of “Chungking Express”, the Tin Shui Wai residents in “Day and Night in Tin Shui Wai” and the “Bounce Ko Gals” lovers in our MTR.
By using the new technology, I hope through “The Underground Scene” exhibition, to highlight a new approach to photography.
About the Author:
LAI Yat-nam was born in 1978. He enrolled in the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) in 1997 for Diploma in Film and Television. Upon graduation, he continued studying in Bachelor of Fine Arts in Film and Television, majoring in Cinematography/Lighting Design and graduated with honor in 2002.
His first photo exhibition “Tell Me How Not to Think About Her” was display at the Fringe Club Hong Kong on 2010. It was about the last moment of Ngau Tau Kok Lower Estate (Hong Kong Public House). He started taking iPhone photographs three years ago and fell in love with using Hipstamatic for street photography.
By using the new technology, he hopes through “The Underground Scene 2012” exhibition to highlight a new approach to photography.
2012, four featured photographers include Lai Yat Nam, set up “PHOTO NOW” Group. The principles of Photo Now is using documentary snapshots, exploring each corner of the city and recording each special moment. That moment of time is captured each time the shutter is pressed.