
  1. 作者 :
  2. 蘊茹
  3. 出版社 :
  4. 紅出版
  5. 提取碼 :
  6. 165309
  7. 分類 :
  8. 文學及文化
  9. 檔案大小 :
  10. 53,783,083


Jasmine's delightful diary is an ideal way to involve students in china's day to day culture and accustom them to written Chinese; as she depicts her childhood with honesty and humour, sharply focusing on the different views of Mainland Chinese and Hong Kong upbringing. Moreover it is one of the few books that contain both characters and pinyin side by side so that students will be familiarized with the written structure as they learn to read full character text. For reading comprehension, Jasmine's book provides a solid base for further entry into Chinese literature.


  • 出版日期 :
  • 2012-02-15