Art of Century - Rococo

  1. 作者 :
  2. Victoria Charles, Klaus H. Carl
  3. 出版社 :
  4. Parkstone
  5. 提取碼 :
  6. 802984
  7. 分類 :
  8. 攝影及藝術
  9. 檔案大小 :
  10. 37,387,759


Deriving from the French word rocaille, in reference to the curved forms of shellfish, and the Italian barocco, the French created the term "Rococo". Appearing at the beginning of the 18th century, it rapidly spread to the whole of Europe. Extravagant and light, Rococo responded perfectly to the spontaneity of the aristocracy of the time. In many aspects, this art was linked to its predecessor, Baroque, and it is thus also referred to as late Baroque style. While artists such as Tiepolo, Boucher and Reynolds carried the style to its apogee, the movement was often condemned for its superficiality. In the second half of the 18th century, Rococo began its decline. At the end of the century, facing the advent of Neoclassicism, it was plunged into obscurity. It had to wait nearly a century before art historians could restore it to the radiance of its golden age, which is rediscovered in this work by Klaus H. Carl and Victoria Charles.

About the authors:
Victoria Charles is a professor of art history. She has published many works and has regularly contributed to Art Information, an international guide to contemporary art. Writing frequently for specialised journals and magazines, Victoria Charles recently contributed to a collective work, 1000 Paintings of Genius.

Klaus H. Carl is the author of numerous works on the history of large cities, and is also a well-known photographer of nature. A teacher by profession, he also took part, alongside Victoria Charles, in the writing of 1000 Paintings of Genius.


  • ISBN:
  • 9781780428031
  • 出版日期 :
  • 2012-02-24